Wearable solutions

Wearable solutions



Wearables have shown the potential to significantly impact the data available for clinical trials and medical researchers in numerous ways. While the quality and efficacy of these devices can vary, the sensor technologies in these devices have evolved to meet the needs of many clinical research endeavors. Wearables also enable longitudinal biometric data sets that can provide unique insights into the long-term, real-world impact of pharmacotherapies and treatment protocols. There are also many challenges in using wearables in trials, including access to the raw data from wearables, validation of the data from wearable devices, processing and analysis of massive amounts of wearable data, and data security. At Quanticate we have supported numerous customers on clinical trials that use wearable technology for data collection. Our team are well experienced in the appropriate study design and data capture methods to incorporate wearables into your clinical trial.

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